пятница, 12 сентября 2014 г.

Crockpot Hashbrown Casserole (NO cream of soups) - Chelsea's Messy Apron

Crockpot Hashbrown Casserole (NO cream of soups) - Chelsea's Messy Apron

Crockpot Hashbrown Casserole (NO cream of soups) - Chelsea's Messy Apron

Crockpot Hashbrown Casserole (NO cream of soups) - Chelsea's Messy Apron A delicious and simple cheesy hashbrown casserole made in the slow cooker — perfect for a brunch! Top it with some bacon and it’s a sure crowd pleaser. Plus no “cream of” soups. You all know how crazy I am about my crockpot right? There are tons of crockpot recipes already here on Chelsea’s Messy Apron...

Original article and pictures take http://www.chelseasmessyapron.com/crockpot-hashbrown-casserole-no-cream-of-soups/ site

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